Pad Life - Leather Pad Treatment
Pad Life was developed to help eliminate sticking pads and clean the tone holes of the waxy build up that can occur with leather pads.
The philosophy of Pad Life is to keep the pores of the leather clean and open so that the moisture can pass through the leather into the felt backing and back out, which will extend the life of the pads.
This product will not make the pad gummy and one can not use too much of it or use it too often. Within an hour, the pad will return to its colour, being dry and leaving the leather softer and more flexible without changing the seat of the pad. Instructions are supplied on the side of the bottle.
The philosophy of Pad Life is to keep the pores of the leather clean and open so that the moisture can pass through the leather into the felt backing and back out, which will extend the life of the pads.
This product will not make the pad gummy and one can not use too much of it or use it too often. Within an hour, the pad will return to its colour, being dry and leaving the leather softer and more flexible without changing the seat of the pad. Instructions are supplied on the side of the bottle.